Wednesday, 31 July 2013

How to : DIY Ombré Shoes Part 1

So it's been a while since my last post, I've been preparing and getting items for my next project, Ombré Shoes! Today I finished the front and I will leave it to dry until tomorrow before doing the back!

Canvas Shoes - The shoes I'm using are from my last post, I've been attacking them with bleach for days! I also bought 4 more pairs from Sports Direct at 2 for £8! 

Dyes - I bought Dylon Fabric Dyes, they were pretty cheap from Wilkinsons.

Two measuring jugs - To add dye to. Or one for each colour!

Rubber or latex gloves - Dye can be irritant.

An atomiser - It doesn't have to be professional I used one from an old candy spray!

A brush - Ombré creator!

A sponge - Wetten the shoes.

1. First of all dampen your shoes with a sponge. This makes the dye soak in and run better, creating a better ombré effect.
2. This depends on what dye you use. If you aren't using Dylon Fabric Dye skip this step. Pour 500ml of hot but not boiling water into every jug. Then add two teaspoons of dye and three of salt. 
3. Stir well.
4. Pour roughly 50ml into your atomiser (Mine was 100ml so this was simply half full). This isn't particularly important as it doesn't affect the concentration too much, try to fill the atomiser by the same amount every time.
5. Spray onto the shoes! Use quite a bit! If using two colour spray to just under halfway up the shoe. If three colours, then just under a third and so on! Excuse the hilarious drawings on paint I didn't take pictures during dyeing the shoes because of the mess!

6. Brush the colour towards the white, try to make the edge seamlessly bend to white. Get an even coat along the half of that colour!
7. Wash out your atomiser.
8. Add a teaspoon of dye, a teaspoon of salt and a little hot water to your jug and stir.
9. Repeat step 4.
10. This time spray to about a third of the way down the shoes.

11. Repeat steps 6,7 and 8!
12. Repeat step 4.
13. Spray to around a sixth (very rough estimate) of the way down, so only a small area at the tip of the shoes.

14. Leave to dry overnight and use a different colour starting at the heel. 

I'll have pictures of the heel along with the finished shoes tomorrow! In the meantime this is how the shoes look now. The colours I've used as you can see at the top are Bahama Blue and Goldfish Orange, the Bahama Blue is an amazing colour let down by the quality of an iPad camera. The pictures also don't show how good the Ombré effect is!

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